Svelte: using jQuery plugin with Action API

You may have used jQuery in your projects before, however, with the advancements in Frontend frameworks, we are sort of forced to forget about the vast ecosystem of jQuery and its plugins. And the main reason is that your framework of choice is not compatible with jQuery or does not have a jQuery friendly API out of the box. So we either look for an alternative library that is written from scratch or a wrapper library on top of jQuery/Javascript plugin written in your framework of choice. However, Svelte is a different beast and it has something called Action API that lets you use/consume jQuery/Javascript plugin without much framework-related overhead.

I had tweeted my wild prediction last time which what I have show-cased in this tutorial video.

You can watch the video below👇 to see it in action or grab the source code from Github.

Material Sidenav: Custom Collapse/Expand behaviour

You may have used Angular Material Sidenav component in your projects before, however, it just vanishes when collapsed by default. What if you want the Sidenav to be visible with side links having icons only when collapsed? Off-course, you can have 2 Sidenavs (one with icons + text and another with icons only) and show/hide them conditionally. But by design, Angular Material Sidenav does not let you have 2 Sidenavs in the same position.

So here is how I’ve devised a clever way to do away with the said limitation.

You can watch the video below👇 to see it in action or grab the source code from Github.

You might not need Angular Flex-Layout

Reader, I’m extremely sorry for using the clickbait-y headline for this post. I did not mean to talk ill about anything since this is not a rant 😷

Angular Flex-Layout library is really useful even today to quickly sprinkle CSS Flexbox or Grid layout declaratively in Angular applications. And it does save time in comparison with writing layout CSS by hand in various Angular components repetitively. So not using it in Angular applications is not an option unless a far better alternative with the same declarative ability is available. So I’m looking for,

  1. Declarative without steep learning curve.
  2. Cost effective over Network.
  3. Customisable enough to be an alter ego of Angular Flex-Layout

Turns out TailwindCSS hits a home run on these front. It is equally declarative for being a utility-first CSS framework packed with all kinds of CSS classes baked in. It reduces the main bundle size in Angular applications by a huge margin – the larger the applications, the better the gain (a sample application I built has seen ~40% dip in main bundle size without gzip). Watch the video for the proof 👇

Demonstration of advantages of TailwindCSS over Angular Flex Layout

If you are convinced by the demo above then you may find this comparison handy while moving away from Angular Flex-Layout in your application too.

Angular Flex-Layout directivesTailwind Equivalent CSS classes
fxLayout=”<direction> <wrap>”Use flex flex-<direction> flex-<wrap> classes
fxLayoutAlign=”<main-axis> <cross-axis>”Use justify-<main-axis>
items-<cross-axis> content-<cross-axis> classes
fxLayoutGap=”% | px | vw | vh”Use margin-right=”% | px | vw | vh” on flex items
fxFlex=”” | px | % | vw | vh | <grow> | <shrink> <basis>Use flex, grow, and shrink classes along with custom
flex-basis classes overriding *tailwind config*
fxFlexOrder=”int”Use Order classes along with custom classes
overriding *tailwind config*
fxFlexOffset=”% | px | vw | vh”Use Margin classes
fxFlexAlign=”start | baseline | center | end”Use Align Self classes
fxFlexFill and fxFillUse w-full and h-full classes
fxShow and fxHideUse block and hidden classes
Responsive APIOverride Tailwind’s default breakpoints to match
with Angular Flex-Layout. For example,

theme: {
extend: {
screens: {
‘sm’: { ‘min’: ‘600px’, ‘max’: ‘959px’ },
‘lt-sm’: { ‘max’: ‘599px’ }
[ngClass.xs]=”{‘first’:false, ‘third’:true}”Use aforementioned responsive API
class=”gt-xs:first xs:third”
[]=”{‘font-size’: ’16px’}”Use custom CSS classes as mentioned above.
<img src=”a.ico” src.xs=”b.ico”/>Use custom CSS classes as mentioned above.
gdAreas.xs=”header header | sidebar content”Tailwind does not have a support for
grid-template-areas so we have to use grid columns
and then apply Grid Row Start/End or
Grid Column Start/End classes on grid items.
For example, xs:grid-cols-2 xs:grid-rows-2
gdAlignColumns=”<main-axis> <cross-axis>”Use Align Items and Align Content classes
gdAlignRows=”<main-axis> <cross-axis>”Use Place Content and Place Items classes
gdAutoUse Grid Auto Flow classes
gdColumnsUse Grid Template Columns classes along with custom
classes overriding *tailwind config*
gdRowsUse Grid Template Rows classes along with custom
classes overriding *tailwind config*
gdGapUse Gap classes along with custom classes
overriding *tailwind config*
Angular Flex Layout vs Tailwind comparison

Unlike TailwindCSS, Angular Flex-Layout also has Media Observer which enables applications to listen for media query activations. I think, Breakpoint Observer from Angular CDK can compensate for it.


Alright, that’s me. You can find the source code of the aforementioned sample application on

Do let me know in the comment if you agree with the proposed solution or If I miss anything to cover?

🎅 Happy Xmas and Happy New Year 2021 🎅

Update 1

I have tried to integrate tailwind in Angular application using Angular Material and found a few issues with CSS specificity. Meaning in certain cases, the tailwind CSS classes do not get applied as expected and to obviate the issue, I had to apply !important on handful of tailwind CSS classes. The approach was tweeted last time:

WTH is Injection Token in Angular

Angular is a very advanced and thought-out framework where Angular Components, Directives, Services, and Routes are just the tip of the iceberg. So my intention with WTH-series of posts is to understand something that I do not know yet in Angular (and its brethren) and teach others as well.

Let us start with a simple example, an Angular Injectable Service that we all know and use extensively in any Angular project. This particular example is also very common in Angular projects where we often maintain environment-specific configurations.

// environment.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class Environment1 {
    production: boolean = false;

Here, we annotated a standard ES6 class with @Injectable decorator and forced Angular to provide it in the application root, making it a singleton service i.e. a single instance will be shared across the application. Then, we can use a Typescript constructor shorthand syntax to inject the above service in Component’s constructor as follows.

// app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { Environment1 } from './environment.service'; 

    selector: 'my-app',
    templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent  {
    constructor(private environment1: Environment1) {}

But, often such environment-specific configurations are in the form of POJOs and not the ES6 class.

// environment.service.ts
export interface Environment {
    production: boolean;
export const Environment2: Environment = {
    production: false

So the Typescript constructor shorthand syntax will not be useful in this case. However, we can naively just store the POJO in a class property and use it in the template.

// app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { Environment, Environment2 } from './environment.service'; 

    selector: 'my-app'
    templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent  {
    environment2: Environment = Environment2;

This will work, no doubt!? But, this defeats the whole purpose of Dependency Injection (DI) in Angular which helps us to mock the dependencies seamlessly while testing.


That’s why Angular provides a mechanism to create an injection token for POJOs to make them injectable.

Creating InjectionToken

Creating an Injection Token is pretty straight-forward. First, describe your injection token and then set the scope with providedIn (just like the Injectable service that we saw earlier) followed by a factory function that will be evaluated upon injecting the generated token in the component.

Here, we are creating an injection token ENVIRONMENT for the Environment2 POJO.

// injection.tokens.ts
import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';

import { Environment, Environment2 } from './environment.service'; 

export const ENVIRONMENT = new InjectionToken<Environment>(
    providedIn: 'root',
    factory: () => Environment2

Feel free to remove providedIn in case you do not want a singleton instance of the token.

Injecting InjectionToken

Now that we have the Injection Token available, all we need is inject it in our component. For that, we can use @Inject() decorator which simply injects the token from the currently active injectors.

// app.component.ts
import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core';

import { Environment } from './environment.service'; 
import { ENVIRONMENT } from './injection.tokens';

  selector: 'my-app'
  templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent  {
  constructor(@Inject(ENVIRONMENT) private environment2: Environment) {}

Additionally, you can also provide the Injection Token in @NgModule and get rid of the providedIn and the factory function while creating a new InjectionToken, if that suits you.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { Environment2 } from './environment.service'; 
import { ENVIRONMENT } from './injection.tokens';

    imports:      [ BrowserModule ],
    declarations: [ AppComponent ],
    bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ],
    providers: [{
        provide: ENVIRONMENT,
        useValue: Environment2
export class AppModule { }


That’s it for all. Keep Rocking \m/ \0/

If you found this article useful in anyway, feel free to donate me and receive my dilettante painting as a token of appreciation for your donation.

Enable tree-shaking in Rails/Webpacker: A Sequel

A month ago, I wrote a blog post explaining a hacky way to enable tree-shaking in Rails/Webpacker project at Simpl. I would definitely recommend skimming through the previous post if you have not already.

In this post, we will directly jump into a more robust and stable solution. But before that, I want to resurrect my old memories for you that haunted me for months wherein a broken manifest.json was generated during webpack compilation at a random place. This time, after upgrading @rails/webpacker and related webpack plugins, the problem has been escalated beyond repair wherein an incomplete but valid manifest.json was generated randomly having fewer pack entries than expected. So even the generated manifest.json has little chance of succor by the hacky NodeJS fix_manifest.js script I had written to fix the broken JSON last time.

After a bit of googling my way out, I learned that webpack, with multi-compiler configurations, compiles each webpack configuration asynchronously and disorderly. Which is why I was getting an invalid manifest.json earlier.

Imagine two webpack compilations running simultaneously and writing to the same manifest.json at the same time:

  "b.js": "/packs/b-b8a5b1d3c0c842052d48.js",
  "": "/packs/"
}  "a.js": "/packs/a-a3ea1bc1eb2b3544520a.js",
  "": "/packs/"

Using different manifest file for each pack

Yes, this is the robust and stable solution I came up with. First, you have to override Manifest fileName in every webpack configuration in order to generate a separate Manifest file for each pack such as manifest-0.json, manifest-1.json, and so on. Then, use the same NodeJS script fix_manifest.js with a slight modification to concatenate all the generated files into a final manifest.json which will be accurate (having all the desired entries) and valid (JSON).

For that, we have to modify the existing generateMultiWebpackConfig method (in ./config/webpack/environment.js) in order to remove the existing clutter of disabling/enabling writeToEmit flag in Manifest which we no longer need. Instead, we will create a deep copy of the original webpack configuration and override the Manifest plugin opts for each entry. The deep copying is mandatory so that a unique Manifest fileName can endure for each pack file.

const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep')

environment.generateMultiWebpackConfig = function(env) {
  let webpackConfig = env.toWebpackConfig()
  // extract entries to map later in order to generate separate 
  // webpack configuration for each entry.
  // P.S. extremely important step for tree-shaking
  let entries = Object.keys(webpackConfig.entry)

  // Finally, map over extracted entries to generate a deep copy of
  // Webpack configuration for each entry to override Manifest fileName
  return, i) => {
    let deepClonedConfig = cloneDeep(webpackConfig)
    deepClonedConfig.plugins.forEach((plugin, j) => {
      // A check for Manifest Plugin
      if (plugin.opts && plugin.opts.fileName) {
        deepClonedConfig.plugins[j].opts.fileName = `manifest-${i}.json`
    return Object.assign(
      { entry: { [entryName] : webpackConfig.entry[entryName] } }

Finally, we will update the ./config/webpack/fix_manifest.js NodeJS script to concatenate all the generated Manifest files into a single manifest.json file.

const fs = require('fs')

let manifestJSON = {}
  .filter((fileName) => fileName.indexOf('manifest-') === 0)
  .forEach(fileName => {
    manifestJSON = Object.assign(
      JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`./public/packs/${fileName}`, 'utf8'))

fs.writeFileSync('./public/packs/manifest.json', JSON.stringify(manifestJSON))

Wrap up

Please note that the compilation of a huge number of JS/TS entries takes a lot of time and CPU, hence it is recommended to use this approach only in a Production environment. Additionally, set max_old_space_size to handle the out-of-memory issue for production compilation as per your need – using 8000MB i.e. 8GB in here.

$ node --max_old_space_size=8000 node_modules/.bin/webpack --config config/webpack/production.js
$ node config/webpack/fix_manifest.js

Always run those commands one after the other to generate fit and fine manifest.json 😙

If you found this article useful in anyway, feel free to donate me and receive my dilettante painting as a token of appreciation for your donation.


I really could not think of a better title for this post because it is not just about using an @Input property setter instead of the life-cycle hook ngAfterViewInit. Hence the title is pretty much inspired from RTFM where “Manual” is replaced by “Code”.

It’s about how important it is to read the code.

Just read the code..!

Last month I had published the Angular blog post on NgConf Medium in which I had proposed various ways to use jQuery plugins in Angular. If you have not read it yet, do read it here and comment if any. Unfortunately, I did not get lucky enough to be ngChampions (Kudos to those who become) and hence I have decided to publish the sequel here on my personal blog.

So after publishing the first post, I went on reading the source code for Material Badge component, just casually.

And to my surprise, I noticed 3 profound things:

Structural Directive over Component

It depends on the functionality you want to build into the component. If all you want to do is alter a single DOM then always go for a custom structural directive instead of writing a custom component. Because the custom component mostly introduces its own APIs unnecessarily.

For example, take a look at the app-toolbar-legends component from the last article. Remember, I’m not contradicting myself in this article, however, for this particular jQuery plugin in Angular, we could safely create an Angular Directive rather than having the Angular Component with its own API in terms of class and icon attributes below.

<app-toolbar-legends class="btn-toolbar-success" icon="fa-bitcoin" [toolbarConfig]="{position: 'right'}">
  <div class="toolbar-icons hidden">
    <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-bitcoin"></i></a>
    <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-eur"></i></a>
    <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-cny"></i></a>
<app-toolbar-legends class="btn-toolbar-dark" icon="fa-apple" [toolbarConfig]="{position: 'right', style: 'primary', animation: 'flip'}">
  <div class="toolbar-icons hidden">
    <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-android"></i></a>
    <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-apple"></i></a>
    <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>

That means we can simplify the usage of the jQuery plugin in Angular by slapping the Angular Directive on the existing markup as follows. There is no need for an extraneous understanding of where class or icon values go in the component template, it’s pretty clear and concise in here. Easy, just slap a directive appToolbarLegends along with the jQuery plugin configurations.

<div class="btn-toolbar btn-toolbar-success" [appToolbarLegends]="{position: 'right'}" >
  <i class="fa fa-bitcoin"></i>
<div class="toolbar-icons hidden">
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-bitcoin"></i></a>
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-eur"></i></a>
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-cny"></i></a>

<div class="btn-toolbar btn-toolbar-dark" [appToolbarLegends]="{position: 'right', style: 'primary', animation: 'flip'}">
  <i class="fa fa-apple"></i>
<div class="toolbar-icons hidden">
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-android"></i></a>
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-apple"></i></a>
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>

Generate Unique Id for the DOM

I wanted a unique id attribute for each instance of the toolbar in order to map them to their respective toolbar buttons. I’m still laughing at myself for going above and beyond just to generate a unique ID with 0 dependencies. Finally, StackOverflow came to the rescue 😅

Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)

But while reading the source code for Material Badge component, I found an elegant approach that I wish to frame on the wall someday 😂. This will generate a unique _contentId for each instance of the directive without much fuss.

import { Directive } from '@angular/core';
let nextId = 0;
  selector: '[appToolbarLegends]'
export class LegendsDirective {
  private _contentId: string = `toolbar_${nextId++}`;

@Input property setter vs ngAfterViewInit

Before we get into the getter/setter, let’s understand when and why to use ngAfterViewInit. It’s fairly easy to understand — it is a life cycle hook that triggers when the View of the component or the directive attached to is initialized after all of its bindings are evaluated. That means if you are not concerned with querying the DOM or DOM attributes which have interpolation bindings on them, you can simply use Class Setter method as a substitute.

import { Directive, Input } from '@angular/core';
let nextId = 0;
  selector: '[appToolbarLegends]'
export class LegendsDirective {
  private _contentId: string = `toolbar_${nextId++}`;
  set config(toolbarConfig: object) {
    console.log(toolbarConfig); // logs {position: "right"} object

The Class Setters are called way before ngAfterViewInit or ngOnInit and hence they speed up the directive instantiation, slightly. Also, unlike ngAfterViewInit or ngOnInit , the Class Setters are called every time the new value is about to be set, giving us the benefit of destroying/recreating the plugin with new configurations.

Demo Day

Thanks for coming this far. So the moral of the story is to do read code written by others, does not matter which open source project it is.

Just read the code..!
If you found this article useful in anyway, feel free to donate me and receive my dilettante painting as a token of appreciation for your donation.

NativeScript: Edge of Tomorrow

This article is all about my experiences of building a Native Android application using NativeScript. NativeScript a framework for building cross-platform Android & iOS apps using Javascript and XML. For the reference, I am in the middle of migrating the same application to NativeScript + Angular combo (just for fun) as it leverages existing Angular skillset such as data-binding, event handling, routing, AuthGuard, etc, and makes it easy to reason about as well.

In a nutshell, NativeScript is not just a set of Javascript libraries but more of a runtime that enables to call Native Android and iOS apis using Javascript. It uses a Javascript virtual machine – V8 for Android and Webkit Core for iOS – that interprets and executes Javascript code at runtime to their respective native code. Hence, there is no limit in terms of which native API can be called in NativeScript, makes it a super powerful tool – worth adding in your arsenal 🙂

This article does not discuss about building Native apps in NativeScript because their documentation is pretty neat and covers it all.

Android ecosystem

Even though you were convinced to write native apps in pure Javascript, that fact is partially true. Meaning you still need to setup android SDK and tools in order to run your application on Emulator or Device. Oh boy, it was PITA in the beginning, especially when you are used to write for Web only – just Write. Refresh. Repeat!

One of such issues faced even before I could run their Sample Groceries app was the ANDROID_HOME environment variable is not set error, while running tns platform add android command. Although, there were tons of stack-overflow answers about that weirdo behavior but unfortunately all were suggesting to add ANDROID_HOME to the PATH environment variable – been there, done that already. At one point, I had decided to give up on NativeScript as I was this frustrated!

But soon the NativeScript community slack channel came to the rescue which I found on their troubleshooting documentation. That culprit is sudo – was running sudo tns platform add android like a rookie 👊. Nonetheless, I quickly got over it and set up the project with tns create FreshCall command.

NativeScript Plugins

The android application named FreshCall that I was building is a simple phone call management app to keep a tap on number of users being called on a daily/weekly basis, extract call charges for reimbursement purposes, and possibly record a phone conversation (with speakers on) for quality purposes. As you have already guessed that the application supposed to use android native APIs for most of the requirements such as ask permissions, choose or dial contact numbers, record conversation and upload it to Firebase, fetch call charges from USSD dialogs, etc. Luckily, the NativeScript community is flourished enough to have many plugins ready for most of the things I needed 😊

I realized that building traditional apps in NativeScript is far more easier than ones using native APIs. That’s why problems and worries did not stop for me at the rookie mistake made earlier, after all it was just the beginning.

Migrate Android code to NativeScript

Obvious thing for any phone management application is to detect Incoming calls and allow to make Outgoing calls using TelephonyManager. Truck load of articles and stack-overflow questions can be found on the topic, however, using them in NativeScript was a big deal. But Extending native classes section from the NativeScript documentation was quite useful that opened up ways for further exploration.

Below is the incoming call tracking code in Java (android):

private class CallStateListener extends PhoneStateListener {
  public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) {

tm = (TelephonyManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
tm.listen(callStateListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE);

So the above Java code can be ported to NativeScript as follows:

var callStateListener = android.telephony.PhoneStateListener.extend({
onCallStateChanged: function (state, incomingNumber) {

var application = require("application");
var tm =;
tm.listen(new callStateListener(), android.telephony.PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE);

How did I manage to port it so flawlessly? Here is a simple trick:

  1. Learn to extend android native classes in NativeScript.
  2. Search android documentation for a native property such as PhoneStateListener and refer the java.lang.Object path for the same i.e. android.telephony.PhoneStateListener.

The similar trick is applicable for application ctx, android Context, and tm.listen event.

Background Services

NativeScript community is so kind to give you all the tools to build a bridge, but the only condition is that you’ve to learn to build it yourself, 😄. I hope one day it will be a piece of cake as NativeScript grows and will be widely adopted as a standard to build native apps.

To track the USSD dialog’s response – the call charge window appears after the call ends – I needed a background service to keep an eye on it and extract the the call charge as soon as it shows up. Somehow I could write a background service myself with the help of the sample provided by NativeScript community and port the USSD parsing using the trick we just learned. However, the onServiceConnected() method – enables accessibility service to read USSD responses – was not getting registered even after enabling it for the application from the android settings.

During the salvation of this problem, I learned two things:

  1. When in doubt, always rebuild using tns build android (remove the existing application from the device before live-syncing again).
  2. Reinstall android packages if updates are available.
    Android SDK and tools
    Android SDK and tools

Wrap up

Experience of building the android application (without having any knowledge of Native Application Development before) was terribly empowering 😉. My advice to fellow developers is to keep Android Documentation open all the time!

Peter Kanev from NativeScript core team had been a great help. Also, special thanks to Brad Martin (who built many plugins I’ve been using) and Marek Maszay for their constant support and cheer on Slack.

Live on the Edge Of Tomorrow today with NativeScript!

If you found this article useful in anyway, feel free to donate me and receive my dilettante painting as a token of appreciation for your donation.

Angular2: Data Binding

In the previous article, we had explored how dependency injection works in Angular2 compared to Angular1. In this article, I will walk you through the one-way vs two way data binding and how its different but quite similar in Angular2.


As usual, we’ll quickly go through the Angular1 example. Let’s take a simple example (HTML) from my free ebook on Angular1 Directives that explores how data binding works in Angular1. Notice we have not written a single line of Javascript code to enable the data binding in the following example:

&lt;html ng-app="App"&gt;<br>
  &lt;title&gt;Two way Data Binding with Form Controls&lt;/title&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../bower_components/angular/angular.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;input type='checkbox' ng-model='choose' /&gt;<br>
<p>  &lt;button ng-click="choose=!choose"&gt;Toggle Checkbox&lt;/button&gt;</p>
<p>  &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;<br>
    angular.module('App', []);<br>

Now that we’ve a working demo, let us migrate it to Angular2.


Let us create a typescript file twoway-binding.ts first to lay our main component.

import { NgModule, Component } from '@angular/core';<br>
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';<br>
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';<br>
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';</p>
  selector: 'ng-app',<br>
  template: `<br>
    &lt;input type='checkbox' [(ngModel)]='choose' /&gt;<br>
    &lt;button (click)="choose=!choose"&gt;Toggle Checkbox&lt;/button&gt;<br>
export class DataBindingComponent {<br>
  choose: boolean = true;<br>
  declarations: [DataBindingComponent],<br>
  imports:      [BrowserModule, FormsModule],<br>
  bootstrap:    [DataBindingComponent]<br>
export default class MyAppModule {}</p>

We are already familiar with Component, ES6 Class, bootstrap, etc. jargons from the first article as those are the backbone of Angular2. The only difference here is the template with data-binding expressions.

In Angular1, the two-way data binding was enabled by default, for one-way data binding the expression should be wrapped in {{choose}}. Also the attribute name supposed to be hyphenated. However, in Angular2 the attribute should be in camel-case with subtle differences that affect the way data flows:

  1. [Component -> Template]
    To show a model in a template which was defined in the component, use square-bracket or double-curly syntax a.k.a. One Way Binding.
  2. (Template -> Component)
    To broadcast an event from a template in order to update the model in the component, use round-bracket syntax a.k.a. One Way Binding.
  3. [(Component -> Template -> Component)]
    To have both behaviors simultaneously, use round-bracket inside square-bracket (or banana-in-the-box) syntax a.k.a. Two Way Binding.

This clearly means that the two-way binding in Angular2 is opt-in and can be enabled by importing BrowserModule to plug it in the NgModule.

In the above example, we want to toggle the expression choose from the template to the component using (click) when the button is clicked and update the checkbox in the template immediately using [ngModel]="choose". We also want to update the model choose in the component if the checkbox is toggled manually using [(ngModel)]="choose". Do not get confused with one-time binding in Angular1 i.e. {{::choose}} where the model used to be freezed once evaluated, there is no such thing in Angular2.

Now let us update HTML markup as usual.

  &lt;title&gt;Angular2: Two way Data Binding with Form Controls&lt;/title&gt;<br>
  &lt;meta charset="UTF-8"&gt;<br>
  &lt;meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"&gt;</p>
<p>  &lt;!-- 1. Load libraries --&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/core-js/client/shim.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</p>
<p>  &lt;!-- 2. Configure SystemJS --&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../systemjs.config.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
    System.import('ch01/twoway-binding').catch(function(err){ console.error(err); });<br>
  &lt;!-- 3. Display the application --&gt;<br>

Wrap up

Remember, because of the simplified template syntax in Angular2, you can do lot of things easily such as,

  • {{textContent}} becomes [textContent]="textContent"
  • ng-bind-html="html" becomes [innerHTML]="html"
  • ng-mouseup="onMouseUp()" becomes (mouseup)="mouseUp()"
  • my-custom-event="fire()" becomes (customEvent)="fire()"

Fewer templating syntax means Faster learning! Head over to a live data binding in action.

If you found this article useful in anyway, feel free to donate me and receive my dilettante painting as a token of appreciation for your donation.

Angular2: Dependency Injection

In the last article, we’ve explored basic differences between Angular 1 and 2 with respect to Component over Directive, TypeScript over ES5, ES6 Class over Controller, and Decorators/Annotations. We’ve pretty much got acquainted with setting up Angular2 in TypeScript with SystemJS to begin our journey with Angular2 in coming weeks. In this article, we’ll investigate how dependency injection that we always loved is different in Angular2 than Angular1. We are not going to cover what dependency injection is in this article though, so if you are not familiar with it yet, follow the documentation for more information.


As usual, we’ll quickly go through the Angular1 example. Let’s take a simple example (HTML and JS) from my free ebook on Angular1 Directives that explores how DI works in Angular1. Notice we’ve used ngController directive in which we are going to inject a custom service. Also stare at ngApp directive which was a recommended way to bootstrap an application automatically in Angular1 rather than manually using angular.bootstrap method.

&lt;html ng-app="DI"&gt;<br>
  &lt;title&gt;AngularJS: DI&lt;/title&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../bower_components/angular/angular.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../js/ch01/di.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
&lt;body ng-controller="SayHi"&gt;</p>
<p>&lt;h1&gt;Check the console&lt;/h1&gt;</p>

Here is the JavaScript code for the above example. We have defined the custom service named Hello and later injected the same into the controller called SayHi.

var App = angular.module('DI', []);<br>
App.service('Hello', function() {<br>
  var self = this;<br>
  self.greet = function(who) {<br> = 'Hello ' + who;<br>
<p>App.controller('SayHi', function(Hello) {<br>

Now that we’ve our demo up and running, it’s time to migrate it to Angular2.


Let us first update the JS code first and walk through the changes.

import { NgModule, Component, Injectable } from '@angular/core';<br>
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';<br>
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';</p>
class HelloService {<br>
  name: string;</p>
<p>  greet(who) {<br> = 'Hello ' + who;<br>
  selector: 'ng-app',<br>
  template: '&lt;h1&gt;Check the console&lt;/h1&gt;'<br>
export class DIComponent {<br>
  constructor(public Hello: HelloService) {<br>
  declarations: [DIComponent],<br>
  imports:      [BrowserModule],<br>
  providers:    [HelloService],<br>
  bootstrap:    [DIComponent]<br>
export default class MyAppModule {}</p>

We are already familiar with Component, ES6 Class, bootstrap, etc. jargons from the previous article as these are the backbone of Angular2. The only difference here is the service, HelloService. However, if you notice, the service is itself a ES6 Class similar to our application component, DI. Just like @Component annotation is there to tell Angular2 to treat a ES6 class as a component, the @Injectable annotation annotated the ES6 Class as an Angular2 Service that is injected elsewhere.

In the above example, we’ve injected the service via providers options in the @NgModule. This way the instance of the service will be available for the entire component only and its child components, if any. However, services in Angular2 are not singleton by nature unlike Angular1 which means if the same service is injected as a provider in a child component, a new instance of the service will be created. This is a confusing thing for beginners so watch out.

The public Hello: HelloService parameter in the constructor is equivalent to Hello: HelloService = new HelloService();. It means Hello is an instance of HelloService and of a type HelloService (optional). One benefit of annotations/decorators in Angular2 in my opinion is that there is no confusion over Factory vs Service vs Provider, instead it’s just a ES6 class.

Slight changes compared to the previous example is that we need to give more configurations in SystemJS for typescript compilers to emit decorator MetaData so that generated ES5 code will work fine in a browser.

  "compilerOptions": {<br>
    "target": "ES5",<br>
    "module": "commonjs",<br>
    "moduleResolution": "node",<br>
    "sourceMap": true,<br>
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,<br>
    "experimentalDecorators": true,<br>
    "removeComments": false,<br>
    "noImplicitAny": false<br>

Remember experimentalDecorators flag enables experimental support for ES7 decorators in TypeScript and emitDecoratorMetadata flag emits design-type metadata for decorated declaration in ES5 output, especially, for public Hello: HelloService code in the constructor as we’d seen before. Using the alternative mentioned above will not need these flags though.

Now let us update HTML markup.

  &lt;title&gt;Angular2: DI&lt;/title&gt;<br>
  &lt;meta charset="UTF-8"&gt;<br>
  &lt;meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"&gt;</p>
<p>  &lt;!-- 1. Load libraries --&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/core-js/client/shim.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</p>
<p>  &lt;!-- 2. Configure SystemJS --&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../systemjs.config.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
    System.import('ch01/di').catch(function(err){ console.error(err); });<br>
  &lt;!-- 3. Display the application --&gt;<br>

Wrap up

That’s it guys..! Wolksoftware‘s blog has covered a great intro to reflection in Typescript, if interested. In the next post, we’ll explore two-way databinding in Angular2, but meanwhile Checkout Dependency Injection in action.

If you found this article useful in anyway, feel free to donate me and receive my dilettante painting as a token of appreciation for your donation.

Angular2: The First Time

Angular 2.0 is lot like Angular1 but still different in its own terms and you’ll see why as we go along. Purpose of this article is to migrate one of the simplest Angular1 examples to Angular2 and understand benefits as well as pain-points. For the record, Angular2 aimed to build web applications in three different languages or flavours i.e. JavaScript (ES5/ES6), Typescript(ES6+), and Dart. If you interested in other two then the 5-minute-session will give you a head-start to understand how it could be done. However, I’m going to use Typescript over JavaScript here because in my opinion it feels more natural. This article is for the ones who worked with Angular1 before.


Let’s take a simple example (HTML and JS) from my free e-book on Angular1 Directives that explores how data binding works in Angular1. Let us quickly take a look at our good old Angular1 HTML template and then we’ll move to new shiny Angular2 version of it. But for now, notice we’ve used ngBind directive over double-curly notation for data-binding, obviously to avoid FOUC as we all know. Also checkout ngApp directive which was a recommended way to bootstrap an application automatically in Angular1 without using angular.bootstrap method.

&lt;html ng-app="App"&gt;<br>
  &lt;title&gt;HTML/DOM Template in AngularJS&lt;/title&gt;<br>
  &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="../bower_components/angular/angular.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="../js/ch01/angular-template.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;span&gt;Hello, &lt;span ng-bind="name"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;<br>

Here is the JavaScript code for the above example which simply binds a value of name property on the $rootScope.

var App = angular.module('App', []);<br>$rootScope) {<br>
  $ = 'AngularJS';<br>

Now that we’ve our demo up and running, its time to migrate it to Angular2.


Let us first update the JS code and walk-through the changes. Give it a very long, hard stare to get familiar with the following snippet, I’ll wait.

import { NgModule, Component } from '@angular/core';<br>
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';<br>
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';</p>
  selector: 'ng-app',<br>
  template: '&lt;span&gt;Hello, &lt;span [textContent]="name"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;'<br>
class MyAppComponent {<br>
  name: string = 'Angular2';<br>
  declarations: [MyAppComponent],<br>
  imports:      [BrowserModule],<br>
  bootstrap:    [MyAppComponent]<br>
export default class MyAppModule {}</p>

Your first reaction would be, “Alright, that looks familiar..!”. Well it is except few things, let us go over one by one. But before that we must know that Angular2 moved from a concept of directives to components to leverage web-components specs so that developers can use Polymer components with Angular2 templates. Basic idea is to break down monolithic application into small pieces i.e. components and plug them together at the end under main component like we have here. Each component should have one or more Classes or Functions to store data (name in this case) and necessary methods (not defined in the example above). Please note we no longer use $scope in Angular2 as this is somewhat like CtrlAs syntax from Angular1. When Angular2 instantiates MyApp class, all properties or methods defined will be accessible via keyword this.

Update: As per RC5 release, angular2 introduced a concept of NgModule metadata which plays an important role in the compilation process, especially offline compilation. Because of NgModule, Angular2 will able to lazy load components on demand by resolving component dependencies efficiently. So every component should expose a NgModule for other components to import and reuse. Ideally, NgModule should be extracted into it’s own file importing various components, services, pipes, etc. but for the sake of readability, we’ll have it in the same file along with the component.

export statement

Angular2 has adopted modularity at its core unlike Angular1 wherein you could only define modules without any built-in support for lazy loading. Using ES6 export module syntax, you can export functions, objects, or primitives that other classes can use in Angular2. Having one export class per module recommended though. We’ve defined a property, name with a type string which is optional in TypeScript.

Import Statement

With the same export class syntax, Angular2 has organized its code base so that developers can import what they need in a module. In this example, we are only importing Component and NgModule annotations from angular2/core library and platformBrowserDynamic method from angular/platform-browser-dynamic modules. Note that the extension is optional in the definition.

Using platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule method from angular2 browser module (similar to angular.bootstrap in Angular1), we can bootstrap the NgModule named MyAppModule. Angular2 is a lot different from Angular1 on the architectural level. Angular1 only targeted Desktop and Mobile web browsers, but Angular2 is platform agnostic, that means it can be used to write Native mobile apps using NativeScript or Cordova, run angular2 application inside web workers, and to enable server-side rendering with NodeJS or so. For now, we’ll just run it in a web browser by pulling down browser specific bootstrap method as above.


The strange-looking syntax above the class called as a Class Decorator that annotates and modifies classes and properties at design time. Wolksoftware’s engineering blog has great articles on decorators and metadata in Typescript. In a nutshell, Angular2 uses decorators/annotations to make dependency injection possible. To simplify it, let us take a small requirement.

Imagine you want to log a function name and passed arguments to browser console every time a method invoked without modifying the function body. In the following example, @debug is a method decorator that attached a special behavior to the method body. overtime a method called, the decorator will find a method name being called and it’s parameter that we can log. Here is a working demo if interested.

export class AnnotationExample {<br>
  life(n: number) {<br>
    return n;<br>
<p>function debug(target: Function, fnName: string, fn: any) {<br>
  return {<br>
    value: function (argument: number) {<br>
      document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].textContent = `function "${fnName}" was called with argument "${argument}"`;<br>
<p>var whatIs = new AnnotationExample();<br>;<br>

On the same note, @component annotation/decorator tells Angular2 that the defined class, MyApp is an Angular2 Component not just a ES6 class. And once it’s defined as the component, Angular2 needs to know how the component supposed to be consumed in HTML or which template to render once it’s registered. That’s why we need to pass the meta data as above such as selector, template, etc.

Notice selector name need not be the same as the class name unlike Angular1. There is no restrict option anymore, instead use a tag name (ng-app) or a property name (with square brackets [ng-app]) or a class name (.ng-app) directly as a selector (I think a comment selector is dropped..!). Also note that we have used a double curly notation for data binding here as there is no ngBind directive available, but you can use property binding (which we’ll explore in future posts) to get the same feeling with <span>Hello, <span [textContent]="name"></span></span>.

Now let us update HTML markup.

  &lt;title&gt;HTML/DOM Template in Angular2&lt;/title&gt;<br>
  &lt;meta charset="UTF-8"&gt;<br>
  &lt;meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"&gt;</p>
<p>  &lt;!-- 1. Load libraries --&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/core-js/client/shim.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</p>
<p>  &lt;!-- 2. Configure SystemJS --&gt;<br>
  &lt;script src="../systemjs.config.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
    System.import('ch01/angular-template').catch(function(err){ console.error(err); });<br>
  &lt;!-- 3. Display the application --&gt;<br>

If you remember, we’d included just angular.js in Angular1 template before, however, Angular2 relies on couple of other JavaScript libraries that you need to inject along with it. But things may change eventually, as it’s just a RC release (at the time of writing this article, and who knows we have to just include one file as before).

Refer SystemJS Wiki for more details to suite your needs. And as you guessed already, we have created a custom element in the body at the end to kick it off.

Wrap up

Peek at a demo..!. That’s it guys..! This is the exact flow you’ll always be using to write new components in Angular2. I liked the progress with Angular2 and Typescript, I would recommend to use Visual Studio Code Editor over SublimeText to feel at home. Be hopeful that many of the things we explored would be simplified by the time it reaches 1.0 (stable), I mean 2.0 😉

If you found this article useful in anyway, feel free to donate me and receive my dilettante painting as a token of appreciation for your donation.