Power Searching with Google Certification

A few days back (July 2012) I had participated into Power Searching with Google course and upon completing it successfully I received a fancy certificate. The course was really useful for me as It changed the way I was using Google Search before.

Becoming a good searcher is always helpful.

Power Searching with Google Certification
Power Searching with Google Certification
If you found this article useful in anyway, feel free to donate me and receive my dilettante painting as a token of appreciation for your donation.

How embedded YouTube videos can drive more traffic to Google+

These days most of the web-pages have youtube videos embedded but there is no easy way to share it on Google Plus. So, I believe that this is the salient way to drive more traffic to Google+ via embedded YouTube videos anywhere on the web even on Facebook  🙂

Hail Google+ Team

Youtube and G+
Youtube and G+